Pierce's Pledge Presents Reducing Risk in Child Custody Cases, WHAT CAN I DO? - Webinar
Recognizing and identifying critical moments and implementing life saving solutions with Julia Weber and keynote guest, Rob Wilcox, recent deputy director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

Keeping Kids Safe: Identifying Critical Moments to Prevent Gun Violence in Child Custody Cases
This event is FREE, but must be ticketed. To register, please visit https://www.classy.org/event/pierces-pledge-symposium/e664349

Cocktail Party For A Cause - SF
Join us for an evening of drinks and conversation as we explore the future of gun violence prevention and the critical role Pierce’s Pledge plays in reshaping the culture around guns in child custody cases. Learn how you can help keep kids safe through responsible gun storage and beyond.
Come meet our new advisor: Rob Wilcox, Former Deputy Director, White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, who will be speaking about the critical work being done to address gun violence and its impact on children.
We’re also excited to celebrate the launch of our powerful new PSA, created and generously donated by the brilliant teams at Pereira O'Dell and Silverside AI!
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the important change to reduce America’s leading cause of death of children.
Get tickets here:

Cocktails For A Cause - NYC
Join us for the launch of Pierce’s Pledge in NYC! Drinks, music and conversation as we discuss the future of gun violence prevention and the critical role Pierce’s Pledge plays in reshaping the culture around guns in child custody cases. Learn how you can help keep kids safe through responsible gun storage and beyond.
Hear about the critical work being done to address gun violence and its impact on children from:
Lesley Hu, Founder and Pierce‘s mom
Rob Wilcox, Former Deputy Director, White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention
Cody Dougherty, Firearm Storage Specialist
We’re also excited to celebrate the launch of our powerful new PSA, created and generously donated by the brilliant teams at Pereira O'Dell and Silverside AI!
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the important change to reduce America’s leading cause of death of children.
Get your tickets here: https://www.classy.org/event/cocktails-for-a-cause/e659982

Pawz for Pierce's Playaz
Pierce’s Pledge, in collaboration with United Playaz, presents: Paws for Pierce’s Playaz!
Join Pierce’s classmates + the kids of United Playaz and cheer on our kid-led, dog event!!! We are raising awareness and to build a voice for gun violence prevention for kids!
What bonds these kids, from different parts of San Francisco, is that they have all been impacted by loss from gun violence. Help support these incredible teams of dogs + kids in their dog competition!
Funds raised will support a gun-buy back! These guns will be transformed to art, and will never hurt another kid ever again.
These kids are showing us hope and love for the future.

PAST EVENT: Toolkit for Legal Decision-making in Child Custody and Visitation Cases Training Webinar
Pierce’s Pledge has produced a first of its kind resource to help prevent firearms violence and increase safety in family law cases: Reducing Risks Associated with Firearm Access: A Toolkit for Legal Decision-making in Child Custody and Visitation Cases is designed for lawyers, attorneys, mental health practitioners, mediators, and other legal professionals working with families. This webinar will provide an overview of the Toolkit and related resources, including the first national firearms offsite storage map, and answer questions about the intersection of contested child custody cases and firearms access. Free. Please contact us at programs@PiercesPledge.org if you have any questions.
Hosted by Julia Weber, ESQ. MSW
Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wyCxC1A8SJiRH3tdW0BKuw

PAST EVENT: United Playaz Gun Buy Back
Help end the pollution and be the solution to gun violence. No questions asked!
Handguns = $100
Assault Weapons = $200
1 in 3 homes with children have guns, many left unlocked or loaded.
On an average day, 100 Americans are killed with guns.
The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of the woman being killed by FIVE TIMES.
62% of firearm related deaths in the US are suicides.

PAST EVENT: Pierce's Pledge HOLIDAYZ TOY DRIVE - Sponsored by Cultivar
Help Us Illuminate the HOLIDAYZ for the Amazing UNITED PLAYAZ KIDS!
Join us for Holiday drinks + bites and drop off your gift!
New gifts only please.
Gifts for kids aged: 2-18 years old.
Unwrapped gifts or if you want to wrap your gift, please label with appropriate age/gender, if applicable.

PAST EVENT: AFCC 16th Symposium on Child Custody
Shaping the Future: Screening and Assessing for Safety and Wellbeing of Parent-Child Relationships
Layers of complicated issues often confound the transitions experienced by families navigating separation and divorce. Some issues are relatively straightforward. Others are truly perplexing, as family court professionals endeavor to consider allegations, review supporting evidence, and untangle competing narratives. Polarizing concerns have given rise to heated debate over presenting risks, and the potential for interventions that integrate safety and the preservation of parent-child relationships whenever possible. Join AFCC in Columbus, Ohio to continue transformative dialogue shaping the future of assessment, parenting plan evaluations, and family-focused interventions.
Topics Include:
Parenting Coordination
Mediation with IPV Dynamics
Impact of Emerging Practice Legislation
Interventions for Parent-Child Contact Problems
Coercive Control
Cross-Allegations of IPV and PCCP
Diversity/Culture and Parenting Time
Screening/Assessment for IPV
Screening/Assessment of PCCP Dynamics
Multidisciplinary Teamwork
Voice of the Child in High Conflict Cases

PAST EVENT: AAML Annual Meeting 2024
Pierce’s Pledge is proud to be one of the sponsors at the AAML Annual Meeting 2024.
A tradition that dates back to AAML’s conception in the 1960s, the AAML Annual Meeting is a place where family lawyers across the nation congregate to enjoy scholarly CLE and the best of Chicago food, sights and social activities. The AAML Annual Meeting has become a mainstay for Fellows and is the premier event for family law attorneys around the country.
Join AAML and hundreds of Fellows and family lawyers in Chicago, November 6-9, to compare notes on leading topics and trends in family law, gain insights from experts and meet with respected service providers specific to the family law profession.

The Domestic Violence Coordinating Council of Monterey Country Presents:
Key Note Speaker: JULIA WEBER, Esq., MSW, will highlight the growing research connecting gun violence, mass shootings and domestic violence; and prevention strategies.
Guest Speakers: Alexis Wilbur, Program Manager at the San Joaquin County Family Justice Center, and others, will share their experience preventing trauma and death.
Date: Friday, October 25, 2024
Time: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, Registration cost: $60.00
Location: Santa Lucia Room in Sherwood Hall - Eventbrite Link

PAST EVENT: CARE Community Briefing: Protection Orders to Prevent Gun Violence
The Office of CARE is hosting a presentation on the recently released report from the DOJ's Office of Gun Violence Prevention, “Pathways to Safety: California’s Nine Court Protection Orders to Prevent Gun Violence." Experts from the DOJ and external partners will provide an in-depth look at California’s uniquely broad array of nine court protection order processes and discuss how to best utilize them to support impacted communities in our current legal context.

PAST EVENT: 5th Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Symposium
The CCDV hosted the annual event featuring local and national presenters sharing best practices, research, and updates on methods to prevent and intervene in domestic violence. We will post recordings on this page soon.
Attendees are encouraged to complete the event evaluation at the links below. To receive continuing educations credits (CLEs and CEUs), you must complete the evaluation. Please email the CCDV at info@dv-commission.org if you have any questions.

PAST EVENT: Annual FUNraiser 2024!
Join us, for another amazing night of meaning led with hope, action, laughter and dancing… spreading Pierce’s infectious joy and love of life. Buy tickets here!

PAST EVENT: Toolkit for Legal Decision-making in Child Custody and Visitation Cases Training Webinar
Pierce’s Pledge has produced a first of its kind resource to help prevent firearms violence and increase safety in family law cases: Reducing Risks Associated with Firearm Access: A Toolkit for Legal Decision-making in Child Custody and Visitation Cases is designed for lawyers, attorneys, mental health practitioners, mediators, and other legal professionals working with families. This webinar will provide an overview of the Toolkit and related resources, including the first national firearms offsite storage map, and answer questions about the intersection of contested child custody cases and firearms access. Free.
Please contact us at programs@PiercesPledge.org if you have any questions.

PAST EVENT: Pierce's Pledge Presents to the American Bar Association
Firearms violence is a significant public health concern and the leading cause of death for children 1-17 years old in the U.S. with implications for clients, attorneys, courts, and the broader community. This webinar will outline the ethical obligations lawyers have to their clients in litigating family law disputes and dealing with clients with the goal of minimizing danger to their client.

PAST EVENT: Pierce's Pledge Workshop Presentation at AFCC
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, 61st Annual Conference, Boston. June 5-8, 2024.
Safer Storage in Custody Litigation: Reducing Firearm Risks for Families
Julia Weber, JD, MSW
Hon. Sherrill A. Ellsworth (Ret.)
Lesley Hu
To sign up for this workshop, please visit https://www.afccnet.org/61stannualconference

PAST EVENT: Pawz for Pierce’s Playaz
Pierce’s Pledge, in collaboration with United Playaz, presents: Pawz for Pierce’s Playaz, on May 3rd 4:30-6:30pm in San Francisco’s City Hall Civic Center Park!
Join Pierce’s classmates - the middle school kids of United Playaz and cheer on our kid-led, dog event! We are raising awareness and to build a voice for gun violence prevention for kids! What bonds these kids, from different parts of San Francisco, is that they have all been impacted by loss from gun violence. Help support these incredible teams of dogs + kids in their dog competition!
All funds raised will support a gun-buyback! These guns will be transformed to art and will never hurt another kid ever again. These kids are showing us hope and love for the future.
Support one or any of these amazing teams:
-White Chocolate Charlie
- Wicked Willow
- Frisbee Finderz
- Rocket Diddy Kong
- Ballin’ Bailey
- The Woof Pack
- City Ballerz
- The Sonics
- Ruff Riderz
- Off-Leashed
To support these teams, please visit: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/pawzforpiercesplayaz/

PAST EVENT: University of California Irvine’s Initiative to End Family Violence, featuring Pierce’s Pledge
UC Irvine’s IEFV, featuring Pierce’s Pledge, invite you to a crucial event that delves into the intersection of domestic violence, child custody litigation, and firearm fatality prevention. This full-day convening promises to be both enlightening and impactful.
Location: Irvine, CA or Online (free registration)
Key Highlights:
Courageous Moms' Insights: Mothers who have faced unthinkable tragedies will share their invaluable insights on the actions that could have saved their children's lives.
Pierce's Pledge: Lesley Hu, along with Cody Dougherty, will introduce "Pierce's Pledge," a vital commitment for family law attorneys to ensure safe off-site storage of firearms during family law proceedings.
Inspiring Stories: Christy Camara, author of "Can I Still Be Funny After My Son's Murder?" will inspire us with her journey of memories, grief, and resilience following a tragic loss.
Legislative Leadership: California State Senator Dave Min will discuss the state's legislative efforts to reduce firearm fatalities and combat domestic violence.
Expert Insights: National expert Julia Weber will provide critical insights into the legal, policy, and practical steps needed to make a difference.
Orange County Study: Professor Jane Stoever will present findings from the Orange County Domestic Violence Death Review Team's study, offering valuable lessons for our county and beyond.
Innovative Measures: Teri Thomas and local agencies will share innovative measures aimed at domestic violence and firearm fatality prevention.
This event is an opportunity for us to come together, learn from these remarkable speakers, and commit to life-saving actions and policies. We believe that by joining forces, we can make a real difference in preventing domestic violence and keeping children safe.

PAST EVENT: Town Hall with SFPD Police Captain to discuss kids & gun safety in the home
Empower Safe Conversations: Navigating Gun Safety Together!
Join us for an insightful Zoom event where we'll dive into responsible gun ownership, safe storage solutions, and fostering open discussions about firearm safety with our children. Our expert panel, including Commander of Investigation, Rachel Moran from the San Francisco Police Department, will guide us through these crucial conversations.
Save the Date: Thursday, September 14
Time: 11am-12pm
Where: Zoom (signup here)
Discover the real stats on gun ownership in the US and Bay Area. Learn how to talk to other parents about gun ownership with confidence. Explore safe storage options that prioritize our children's safety. Gain insights from the Brady initiative "End Family Fire." Get answers to your burning questions on child safety and gun violence.
Remember, our children's safety starts with informed conversations. Let's equip ourselves to create safer homes and communities. Together, we can make a difference!
#GunSafetyMatters #ChildSafetyFirst #CommunityAwareness #ParentingTalks #ExpertInsights #TogetherForChange
Pierce’s Classmates and the kids of United Playaz, came together on May 3rd, 2024 in front of San Francisco’s City Hall park to successfully hosted the first ever PAWZ for PIERCE’S PLAYAZ! A kid-led dog competition raised enough funds to sponsor a gun-buyback and other initiatives to help protect kids against gun violence. These incredible kids are raising awareness and are turning their pain into purpose.
PIERCE’S PLEDGE Town Hall with SFPD, September 14, 2023
Zoom event hosted by Pierce's Pledge. Titled "Empower Safe Conversations: Navigating Gun Safety Together," this event addressed concerns many parents share regarding guns and our children's safety.
This event was designed to equip parents with essential tools for discussing responsible gun ownership, safe storage practices, and fostering open conversations about firearm safety with our children and the other families’ homes they may play in.
PIERCE’S PLEDGE FUNraiser, September 28, 2023
First Annual Pierce’s Pledge FUNraiser at Mister Jiu’s in San Francisco was a sold out success, thanks to our host committee and our generous patrons and sponsors.
The proceeds from this event has funded expert professionals to join Pierce’s Pledge, as well as completing our national gun storage resource map.