Pierce’s Pledge is deeply committed to providing accessible resources to professionals and communities to help increase safety for children and families and prevent gun violence.

  • Toolkits

    To receive a PDF copy , click link below.

    Or email us at programs@piercespledge.org

  • Webinars

    To join one of our webinars, please visit our events page and join our next training: www.piercespledge.org/events

    For CLE credits, watch our ABA webinar by clicking link below.

  • Gun Storage Map

    For a listing of locations to voluntarily store firearms, please click link below.

  • Toolkit One Page Handouts

    Want summarized information from our helpful toolkits? Click here for synthesized information in convenient printable handouts.

Initiating conversations with clients about reducing firearm-related risks can save lives. Here are steps you can take:

  • Let the client know you will ask for a safety check-in regarding the family’s current conflict/crisis.

  • Address firearm risks during this time, emphasizing dangers during conflicts/crisis.

  • Propose steps like voluntary off-site storage for risk reduction.

  • Assist clients who are legally prohibited from having firearms to comply with their order.

Key questions to ask to assess risk:

  • Do you have any concerns about your partner interfering with your relationship or time with your child(ren)?

  • Do you or your partner or other family members have access to firearms?

  • Have you talked with anyone about creating a safety plan to support protecting you and your child(ren) during any custody exchanges or visits with the other parent?

  • Have you learned about no contact, supervised, and virtual visitation possibilities or asked your lawyer about those options?

  • If your client has a DVRO/EPRO, have you followed up with the court to ensure it was properly filed?

UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY, Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress Podcast: Let’s Talk About Your Guns: GATEKEEPERS 2.0, Family Law

Lesley Hu was in a custody dispute with her ex-husband when he took his own life and that of their son, Pierce, in an act of gun violence. Tragically, her story highlights a growing crisis: filicide during custody battles, a lethal combination of conflict and firearm access. Leslie and family law attorney Monica Mazzei share their journey to create Pierce’s Pledge. Their movement encourages family law attorneys to require clients to remove guns from the home during disputes. One simple precaution—removing firearms from the home during emotionally charged times—can prevent tragedy. This episode is about creating safe spaces for children and families and using practical measures to save lives when tensions run high.