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Pierce's Pledge Presents Reducing Risk in Child Custody Cases, WHAT CAN I DO? - Webinar

Recognizing and identifying critical moments and implementing life saving solutions with Julia Weber and keynote guest, Rob Wilcox, recent deputy director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

Pierce’s Pledge has produced a first of its kind resource to help prevent firearms violence and increase safety in family law cases: Reducing Risks Associated with Firearm Access: A Toolkit for Legal Decision-making in Child Custody and Visitation Cases is designed for lawyers, attorneys, mental health practitioners, mediators, and other legal professionals working with families. This webinar will provide an overview of the Toolkit and related resources, including the first national firearms offsite storage map, and answer questions about the intersection of contested child custody cases and firearms access. Free. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

Register in advance for this webinar:

January 10

PAST EVENT: Toolkit for Legal Decision-making in Child Custody and Visitation Cases Training Webinar

April 8

Keeping Kids Safe: Identifying Critical Moments to Prevent Gun Violence in Child Custody Cases