Take Action That Impacts Today.
Empowering family law attorneys to protect and keep minor children safe during custody negotiations.
In the past decade, filicide during court custody trials has been on the rise. On average, ONE CHILD A WEEK is murdered by a parent or step-parent during divorce, separation, child support, visitation, or custody negotiations. Many of these tragic events occur during ongoing legal disputes. We can do better.
Family Law Attorneys hold a unique position of influence and responsibility during these tumultuous times. Divorce proceedings often bring heightened tensions, exposing children to increased risk, especially when firearms are present in the household. We can keep kids safer.
Requiring clients to disclose and temporarily store weapons in a third-party location during the time of representation reduces the potential for violence, domestic abuse, violent threats, uneven power struggles, and murder. You can help keep kids safe.
On the four year anniversary of Pierce’s tragic passing, we wanted to share a message from Pierce’s Mom, and our unwilling founder, Lesley Hu about an important campaign for Gun Violence Prevention that is releasing on this day:
“Four years after Pierce was tragically taken from me, his family and all his friends, we are grateful to Pereira O’Dell and Silverside AI for producing this life saving PSA campaign for Pierce’s Pledge. Pierce’s legacy, making it safer for kids during custody, is being honored in a profound and powerful way.
Please watch this video and share it with lawyers, friends and your community. Together we can change the culture and make an impact in gun safety measures.
Thank you to all the family law attorneys who have already taken this pledge and implemented gun storage into your practice. You are inspiring those around you and are our heroes.”
With gratitude,
Lesley Hu, January 13th, 2025
Pierce’s Pledge
"I pledge to do my part in keeping children as safe as possible during family law matters. For the best interest of the child, I pledge to provide information and communicate about firearm risks to clients.
I also pledge to expect my clients to declare weapons and guns they may have in their possession and that they store them in a secure off-site location with a third-party or otherwise separate themselves from those firearms during the case, or as may be required under state or federal law.
In an effort to reduce risk of harm to my client and others, I pledge that I will take ethically permissible steps to address a client or potential client’s refusal to declare and/or store their firearms off-site."
Sign the pledge online to commit to saving kids lives from gun violence.
“It is not enough to be compassionate. You must act.” - Dalai Lama
Risk assessment questions you can ask today.
Key questions to ask to assess risk:
Do you have any concerns about your partner interfering with your relationship or time with your child(ren)?
Do you or your partner or other family members have access to firearms?
Have you talked with anyone about creating a safety plan to support protecting you and your child(ren) during any custody exchanges or visits with the other parent?
Have you learned about no contact, supervised, and virtual visitation possibilities or asked your lawyer about those options?
If your client has a DVRO/EPRO, have you followed up with the court to ensure it was properly filed?
Initiating conversations with clients about reducing firearm-related risks can save lives.
Here are steps you can take:
Let the client know you will ask for a safety check-in regarding the family’s current conflict/crisis.
Address firearm risks during this time, emphasizing dangers during conflicts/crisis.
Propose steps like voluntary off-site storage for risk reduction.
Assist clients who are legally prohibited from having firearms to comply with their order.